Sunday, December 14, 2008

Walmart Rhetoric

So, in anthropology the other day, we watched a movie about walmart. It wasn’t until I watched this documentary that I realized that walmart uses a dang lot of rhetoric to boost sells. Although a lot of times, they really do have the best prices in town, not everything is the best price in town. Yet, they advertise the products that they seel that are the cheapest in town, and when many people come and see the advertisement, they think that since that those particular products are the best priced around, they automatically think that buying anything else in the store would result in great savings as well. Which often-times, it doesn’t. This is really good rhetoric that walmart uses to help sell more products. Though this fact is true, I still love walmart and practically live there. Or at least I would if I had a car. (the pic is just a funny one I found)

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