Sunday, December 14, 2008

Walmart Rhetoric

So, in anthropology the other day, we watched a movie about walmart. It wasn’t until I watched this documentary that I realized that walmart uses a dang lot of rhetoric to boost sells. Although a lot of times, they really do have the best prices in town, not everything is the best price in town. Yet, they advertise the products that they seel that are the cheapest in town, and when many people come and see the advertisement, they think that since that those particular products are the best priced around, they automatically think that buying anything else in the store would result in great savings as well. Which often-times, it doesn’t. This is really good rhetoric that walmart uses to help sell more products. Though this fact is true, I still love walmart and practically live there. Or at least I would if I had a car. (the pic is just a funny one I found)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today was just a great day. I loved it a lot

~Was told I was amazing and beautiful
~Got some amazing hugs from an amazing person
~Roommate bonding
~Taco Bell
~Got bitten by a vampire
~Wore cute boots
~Singing and dance party in kitchen
~HEROES again
~Talked to a lot of people on facebook (ha ha, yes lame)
~Talked to Amy again
~Got a 5 on the iclicker
~Skipped Anthro

Monday, December 8, 2008

I am moving to the Island Camk.
The Island Camk is a private island that Cierra, Adelaide, Me, and Karen made up. It is a beautiful place. Completely pollution, crime, and yucky-free. It is located in the middle of the ocean, where no one can find it and where we can be left alone to get high on life, monster, fuze, and euphoria over not having ANY homework or manual labor ever. It is a great little island full of happiness. It is a place where it never snows, never rains, and it never dies. It is GREAT!
Ok, well, we just WISH there was such an island that was as cool as that. But instead, we are stuck here, in our little Provo bubble. Where I am drowning in essays and where finals are ruining my life. Gah. I will just have to dream of The Island Camk

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rhetorical FOOD

So I was looking through some of those weekly store catalog ads or whatever they are called today as I was eating my cereal. My favorite one was the Ikea Furniture store one. I just absolutely love to look at furniture (so, what. I am a nerd). This particular ad wasn't really proving to be of much help when it came to money saving however, because all the things advertised weren't really that great of prices, and they didn't have wonderful savings promised. Yet, at the end of the catalog, I saw and ad saying something along the lines of: Come and get free breakfast and coffee! So although the store was not having great price savings that week, I am sure they got lots of people to come anyway, because of the promise of free food. Because food is everyone's best friend :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Eeeek. I <3 Christmas

So this blog post is completely devoted to my absolute love for Christmas. Let me get one thing completely clear: I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! So so so much! I love everything to do with it! I love: Christmas songs, Christmas trees, Christmas lights, all Christmas decorations, hot chocolate, candy canes, angels, mistletoe, holly, snowmen, candles, gingerbread houses, snowflakes, presents, Santa Clause, reindeer, break from school, break from life, mittens, scarves, the mist of cold breath. All of it. But I especially love the feeling of Christmas. The excitement just clings to every tree branch, every snowflake, every mitten, every person. Everywhere you go, you can feel Christmas. It seems that the season brings a feeling of happiness wherever you go.
One of my favorite things to do around Christmas time is sing Christmas Carols. Christmas songs are so so great. They are the best music there uis. I am kinda sad that you are only allowed to listen to them for like one month out of the year. I would listen to them more often, if I was allowed, but several of my roomates have suggested that they might killed me if I had listened to Christmas music before the month of December. So now it is Decmeber. And so now Christmas is all I listen to. <3