Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rhetorical Shampoo

So, the other day I was doing what I know how to do best... facebooking. I was viewing one of my friends' pictures, and this particular picture was a very gorgeous one of her showing off her long, golden, curly hair. It was very pretty hair. Then I noticed that this particular picture of hers had also attracted the attention of many of her other friends, many of which had left comments. So I decided to read the comments that had been left. The one that caught my eye the most, was one that said: "someone should do a shampoo commercial! you look beautiful as ever"
I think that this particular picture would be a great idea for an ad or something of the sort, because her hair is really pretty, and it would convince many people, that if they bought the advertised champoo, then they could have pretty hair as well.

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