Friday, September 19, 2008

Happiness is...

Happiness is love.
Happiness is music.
Happiness is a friend. A mother. A sister.
Happiness is finding love for an enemy.
Happiness is nurturing others.
Happiness is listening to others
Happiness is serving others.
Happiness is noticing others.
Happiness is appreciating, lifting up, and helping others.
Happiness is a well-timed word.
Happiness is love.

Sadness is hate.
Sadness is silence.
Sadness is a betrayal. A break-up. A mistrust.
Sadness is indifference.
Sadness is keeping to yourself.
Sadness is turning someone down.
Sadness is selfishness
Sadness is blindness
Sadness is depracating, putting down, and punishing others.
Sadness is biting word.
Sadness is hate.

Happiness is way more fun than sadness. Writing down the characteristics of both, I realize that there is absolutely no comparison between happiness and sadness. Happiness is something that is often hard for me to find, yet it is something that I am constantly striving to find. I find that it is so much easier to wake up in the morning telling myself that that today will be the best day of my life. It is so much easier to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and be grumpy all day. But it isn't worth it. When I am feeling sad, or down. I need to write down what it is to be happy, and what it is to be sad. If I decide I want to be happy, all I need to do is help someone. Do a little service. Listen to good music. Or even just tell someone that I love them.

Moral of the story: Tell yourself that today is going to be the best day of your life. It makes every difference in the world!

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