Friday, September 12, 2008

5 Topics

~The deer problem in Helena
~Brucellosis in MT cattle
~The Casino problem in MT
~Helmet laws in UT
~Going Green

The deer in Helena are beginning to pose a problem to many people and families in town. They eat gardens, lawns, and flower beds, and their waste is hard to get rid of. There have been many problems with deer crossing the roads in town and being hit, harming themselves as well as the drivers that hit them. There has been much debate on the subject of trying to fix these many problems. Many people want to eliminate all the deer in the area. This would, however be quite hard to do, since some deer migrate, and there would always deer coming back to the area. Another option would be just to eliminate a certain amount of deer. This wouldn’t completely eradicate the problem either, but it would help control the deer, and there wouldn’t be as many problems. It would be a lot less of a hassle than trying to eliminate all of them. There has also been controversy over how the deer should be eliminated, and how many should be killed, and who should be allowed to shoot them.

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